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how to Experience life
as a CELIAC 

so you can eat out With Spontaneity And Confidence 

without the pain or bloat

HOW TO LIVE without anxiety and overwhelm!!

within ultimate celiac system, you will DISCOVER EXACTLY

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

My best hacks for eating out and traveling with Celiac Disease.

You'll learn exactly what to ask waitstaff when ordering a meal, red flags to look out for and instantly reduce your risk of accidentally getting glutened.

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

The modifications required to make a strong start to Going Gluten Free.

Most importantly you'll learn how to read food labels every time, saving you precious time and money when shopping in the grocery store or online. No more posting photos of labels into Facebook groups with amateurs answering your questions.

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

The easiest way to set up your kitchen and pantry to tailor your gluten free food storage to your unique living situation... Whether you have a family, live with roommates or live on your own, you'll be living and eating safer and more confident in your own home in no time.

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

The progressive actions you need to take to shop for groceries and body products that will keep you safe now and well into the future. Including curated lists of what to look out for and why.

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

and Establish the right steps to heal your gut ensuring your body will feel better from the damage done by gluten up until now. 

You will also be given an easy action plan to have in place if and when you accidentally get glutened. 

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

My shortcuts to take your confidence with dealing with Friends, Family, School and Work Colleagues through the roof.

No longer feel like you're being an inconvenience or too much trouble with your gluten free requests.

You'll explore the steps needed to stand up for yourself or child and learn your rights as someone with Celiac Disease.

Feedback from happy students...

"Your course really has helped a lot. 

Just yesterday I was having a follow up meeting for Sean with a dietitian up at the children’s hospital. The meeting was pointless and of no value to me or to Sean I would say.



So, thank you, thank you, thank you once again 🙏" 

- Laura McDonnell

Here's What's Included...

6 Weekly Modules

Each module you will learn ALL of the important info that you need to know and live by as someone with Celiac Disease.

Module 1 - A Strong Start to Going Gluten Free

Module 2 - Kitchen and Pantry Audit and Set up

Module 3 - Confidence Grocery and Body Product Shopping

Module 4 - Prospering Whilst Eating Out and Traveling

Module 5 - Healing Your Body and Conquering Accidental Glutening

Module 6 - From Dealing with Friends, Family, School and Work to Flourishing

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program 1
Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Module Covers
Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program 2

Bite Sized Videos

You'll find bite size videos within each module to help you have a deeper learning and support you to understand everything within each module.


Access anywhere, anytime on the go.


I've packed as much as I can into these videos without wasting your precious time, getting to the point and keeping it real and relatable

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Bite Size Videos
Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program 3

Downloadable Guides and Checklists


As your journey unfolds, you'll discover questions you didn't even know you needed to ask. In these handy guides, you'll get the answers to these questions and more.

Over a dozen beautiful PDF guides to support you on your lifelong journey.

Easily refer back to any information as you may need it.

Save to your device or if you're a binder nerd like me, feel free to print and have your very own copies to flick through. 

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program PDF and Checklists

Take a Quick Peak inside the Members Area of Ultimate Celiac System!

Creating a strong foundation for living with Celiac Disease is the MOST effective way to succeed sooner and get back to enjoying life, eating out and socializing.

You could attempt to do this by piecing information together from all over the internet (which would take a very long time PLUS there's a lot of misinformation online), or you could get the right knowledge, support and guidance, starting right now. 

I don't know about you, but I can imagine you don't want your Celiac diagnosis holding you back from living your life. You're likely feeling anxious and overwhelmed....

And once you've got the answers to living with Celiac Disease in a way that helps you ease your anxiety and stress levels about food, you'll be feeling happier, healthier and dealing with a whole lot less overwhelm. Say bye-bye to the bloating and fatigue and get back to feeling your best.

If you're feeling unsupported right now (whether that's your friends, family or work colleagues making fun of you or questioning why you can't eat a little bit of gluten), I get it. I've been exactly where you are right now. 

Perhaps your friends are excluding you from going out for meals because they think it's just "too hard" to accommodate you. Or you might be avoiding eating out as you're so scared of accidentally eating gluten. 

These fears and feelings are completely normal and part of the process. But what's not normal is living like this for years, or even forever (which, BTW, many people sadly do).

The best way to get past these obstacles is to have the strategies and action plans in place to deal with any situation or curve ball thrown at you.

Imagine it becoming a rare occurrence to accidentally get sick from gluten, but IF it DID happen, you'd have an action plan in place so you could get over it quicker, saving you from wasted time taken off from work or not being able to look after your family.

Now, perhaps you've been to a specialist, and you feel like you got some support, but there's still questions lurking that you can't find the answers to. This is where Ultimate Celiac System comes in. Think of it as the best investment in your health, future and in getting the answers you need right away.

You'll be blown away by what's possible when you say yes to Ultimate Celiac System.


Lisa Rayner Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Student

Belinda Whelan's “Ultimate Celiac System” has been such a saving grace.

Belinda breaks everything down and explains it from the very start. Everything is explained - from what celiac disease is and what damage it causes right through to how to eat out and how to repair your body and she does it in the most simple and compassionate way.

The education and advice that Belinda provides is so incredibly valuable and I have learnt so much which now means I can help myself and my son.

I would recommend and encourage anyone that has been diagnosed with Celiac disease or supporting someone who has celiac disease, to take part in Ultimate Celiac System.

Knowledge is power and Belinda gives you the power through this course to take charge of your life and live the healthiest and happiest life possible".

Lisa Rayner, Aus

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program

Do any of the following
sound like you?

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

You're sick and tired of trying to piece together confusing information about Celiac Disease from all over the internet

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

Your doctor told you to "just eat gluten free" and offered very little advice or guidance

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

You want to feel better now but you don't know what will make a difference sooner rather than later

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

You know your lifelong battle with Celiac Disease has only just begun - you want to make it as stress free as possible

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

You're ready to learn how to save money on your grocery bill

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Tick

You've just been diagnosed with Celiac Disease or have been struggling for some time since your diagnosis

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program on Ipad


"How Much is the Investment in Ultimate Celiac System?"

Many newly diagnosed people with Celiac Disease make the mistake of thinking they can figure this all out on their own and save some money. 

But the problem with that is, they make so many costly mistakes along the way... whether that means they get sick from the food they buy or eating out...

And even worse they waste precious time and money on doctor visits trying to figure out why they still feel dreadful, and their health isn't improving. 

Or perhaps they want someone who is an expert on Celiac Disease to guide them...but this can cost upwards of thousands of dollars...and that's if they can find someone local who knows what they're talking about.

If you're like I was and wish you could figure this all out sooner, then the answer is to master living with Celiac Disease.

And this is your chance to do it now by investing in Ultimate Celiac System and saving you years of mistakes and money. 

You can get access to everything you need to MASTER living with Celiac Disease for today only for just $97.

Plus, I have a 60 Day Money Back Happiness Guarantee.

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Belinda Whelan Certified Health Coach
Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program 60 day money guarantee


Your Investment is Fully Backed by my 60 day Money Back Happiness GUARANTEE!!


Ultimate Celiac System is the most thorough program for anyone with Celiac Disease who is ready to take on board what they learn and make lifelong changes to their health and lifestyle.

I am so confident in this program and the results that you will get, that you can be confident in my guarantee.

You can be comfortable in knowing that you will come out the other side feeling better, more confident eating out, knowing how to shop for safe food, how to stand up for your food requirements PLUS so much more.

If you don't feel that I've delivered on my promise to help you with my course content, simply reach out to me, show me that you've made the changes I recommend, still aren't convinced and I will refund your investment.

Plus, you'll also get these bonuses...

To help you boost your experience, and because I love to give, I've included some exclusive resources to support you further.

Just to recap what's included...

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program
Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Documents

Complete Ultimate Celiac System Program (6 Weekly Modules, Bite Size Videos and Downloadable PDF Guides and Checklists within your Exclusive Members Only Portal (Value $797)

Plus these incredible Bonuses valued at over $250

BONUS: Ultimate Gluten Free Snacks Guide (Value $37)

BONUS: 8 Weeks of Personal Message Access with Me via Voxer (Value $PRICELESS)

BONUS: School and Family / Friends Letters and Printables (Value $79)

Ultimate Celiac System Celiac Disease Program Bonuses

IF you've been diagnosed with celiac disease,


Learn everything you need to know right now and
avoid making all the mistakes that most people make after a diagnosis.

You deserve the right support and guidance to help you navigate this new way of life you're now facing.

I want to make it as easy as possible for you to say Yes to this offer... that is why for today only, you can save hundreds of dollars off this entire program. 

Why am I giving this to you at this price? Simple!! I want to help as many people as possible thrive with Celiac Disease so they don't struggle like I did after my diagnosis.

Total Value: $1047
Normally $291


$97 USD

Your transaction is 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

**P.S.: This is a Limited Time Offer. 

Belinda Whelan The Healthy Celiac Certified Health Coach

"Hi!! I'm Belinda, Your Celiac Disease Expert
Founder of Ultimate Celiac System and host of The Healthy Celiac Podcast

I've lived with Celiac Disease for over a decade. I know firsthand that navigating a gluten free lifestyle and living with Celiac Disease is tough without the support and knowledge needed to thrive.

When I was diagnosed back in 2009 with Celiac Disease, I was told to "just eat Gluten Free".
BUT there’s so much more to it than that. It took me years and years to work out how to navigate this new lifestyle.

If you've ever felt like you've just been thrown in the deep end since your diagnosis, chances are you can relate.

Even though I'd started to feel better going gluten free, there were still certain foods messing with my gut, and I was getting accidentally glutened too often to heal. It was exhausting and frustrating.
Due to a lack of support and guidance from my doctor and dietitian, I decided to become a Health Coach. I studied nutrition as well as how and why the body reacts to certain foods.

Once I had figured out how to eat out again successfully with friends (and not get sick), as well as how to speak to loved ones about my needs as a Celiac, my confidence in myself grew dramatically. Not to mention I've traveled extensively nationally and internationally and not once got accidentally glutened on any of those trips.

During my years of coaching clients with Celiac Disease, I soon learnt that many people were still struggling with symptoms and confusion years after their dignosis.
Gaining extensive knowledge from working with each of my client's has opened my eyes to prove how we are all individual and each hav
e our own challenges and problems to overcome, living with this Autoimmune Disease.

That's when I realized that giving you the right guidance and support from an expert who knows what they are teaching is a game changer for you as someone who is newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease. 

As a Certified Health Coach, I’ve taken all my years of knowledge (discovered by my personal experience as well as the unique experiences of my clients) and put together Ultimate Celiac System saving you years off your learning.
That's why I'm so confident you will absolutely love this program.
It's my life work and mission to educate and support more and more people like you to take your Celiac Disease diagnosis by the reigns and take control of your health and lifestyle!!

I look forward to welcoming you into Ultimate Celiac System".

Belinda Whelan signature

Still got questions?


What if it takes me longer than a week to get through each Module?

A. No probs. You can take as long as you need to go through each module. It's totally up to you.

Everything is downloadable so you can keep the entire program for life

and refer back to any parts of the program if and when you need.


How long will I need to dedicate to Ultimate Celiac System?

A. The content within Ultimate Celiac System is on point and straight into the nitty gritty. Each week you will easily finish everything within an hour. It will take a little longer to organize your pantry during module 2.

Each week you will gain access to a new module, so you can take on board your new knowledge and put it into practice. You will have plenty of time to complete each module before moving onto the next one.


What do I need in order to access Ultimate Celiac System?

A. Once you have purchased, you will be given a login to the online learning platform I use, hosted by Teachable. You can then access your course on your computer, smartphone or tablet with an Internet connection.

You can also download your documents to read later without internet connection at a time that suits you.


I don't have Celiac Disease but a family member does, can this Program still help?

A. Oh yes!! Absolutely. You are incredible for wanting to support your loved one. We need more people like you.


Will I need to invest in anything else to be successful in Ultimate Celiac System?

A. No, not at all. There may be some recommendations that I make from time to time but it's completely up to you which foods and health support products you consume.


Does it matter which country I'm from?

A. As there are different label regulations throughout the world, I cover this off so you can learn more for what works for you in your region. Aside from this, all of the info within the program is suitable for anyone with Celiac Disease throughout the world.

Get Started Today!


$97 USD

Your transaction is 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

**P.S.: This is a Limited Time Offer. 

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